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What we look for

Symbyo is a magnet for the world best global talent. Our search for the world's greatest talent extends, well, around the world - tying in perfectly with our dedication to promoting a diverse workplace. We hire exceptional people with outstanding capabilities and great potential in four areas. Each area is critical to success in our day-to-day work.
Problem solving
Symbyo consultants help global companies solve their toughest and most urgent problems. You must have superior intellectual abilities as well as a practical sense of what works in complex organizations.
Our consultants strive to deliver distinctive and lasting client impact. This requires tremendous energy, determination and judgment, particularly when working with multiple teams under tight deadlines.
Personal impact
Symbyo consultants work closely with a wide range of people in their daily jobs. This calls for strong communication skills—particularly when addressing conflicting points of view. You have to be adept at building trusting relationships with clients to enlist their participation and support.
Leading people and fostering productive teamwork are critical to success here. You need excellent leadership skills to bring people together to drive positive change within organizations.

software outsourcing company - Offshore Software Development - software development outsourcing