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Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore Development Centers...
Symbyo's primary service offering is providing ODCs (Offshore Development Centers) to clients. An ODC is a dedicated offshore development team that is solely engaged in developing and testing software solutions and applications for a single client. With an Offshore Development Center (ODC), clients can enjoy all the benefits of outsourcing along with the flexibility to scale up or down quickly in response to changing business needs while having full control and visibility over there projects.

Other Benefits of an ODC includes
  • Retained team knowledge
  • Higher productivity
  • Increasing quality
  • Lower total cost
  • Faster time to market
  • Improved collaboration
How to Start an ODC
With Symbyo the process of establishing a Dedicated Offshore Development Center is very simple. You communicate us your requirements and needs concerning the team members and work to be done. Jointly with you, we assemble the precise mix of skills, experience, and personalities it takes to complete the project. and we collaboratively work with you to define the project metrics and the type of involvement required or desired from our side. With a team assembled, we put them through a comprehensive on-boarding process that delivers the team to you administratively ready, fully briefed on your project, and capable of taking your direction and making things happen right away. Thus, for an agreed upon period, you have a complete offshore development team and technical infrastructure needed to execute your IT projects. Learn more about our Offshore development center setup process.

Task Sourcing Symbyo also provides task sourcing which is the outsourcing of a specific task or set of tasks rather than complete responsibility for an entire function.

Examples of task sourcing include:
  • Application of server updates or security patches
  • Web Site Mainitenance
  • On demand technical support
  • Periodic report writing
Task sourcing can be a cost effective solution by reducing the demands of your existing staff so they can focus on higher value work efforts. It can also be used to augment your internal staff's skill sets for those skills that aren't needed on a full time basis but at the same time are critical to keeping your IT operations running.

Offshore Development Center and Task Sourcing are just one of many Offshore outsourcing services services Symbyo Technologies offers. Whether you need a few IT resources to extend your in hourse development team or a full offshore development center, we can make IT happen.

Need more information? Contact Us, Software Outsourcing Company
Click here to receive a free development proposal , or Call us for a Free Consultation 1.877.479.6296
software outsourcing company - Offshore Software Development - software development outsourcing