There is a clear indication that the Storage industry is poised to witness a growth,
aided by new regulations and emerging needs for long term information storage and
management. Networked storage is the only solution if one has to be able to meet
these needs, at a viable price point.
Symbyo believes that apart from price points and reliability, the key parameters
that would differentiate any storage product include the ease of deployment, scalability,
monitoring and management. Our storage expertise includes NAS and SAN servers and
switches, Backup and recovery systems, storage management systems and host controllers.
Symbyo is the right company to provide you with focused services in this space.
Hitherto this industry has operated with little outsourcing. But cost and innovation
imperatives demand that companies in this space outsource and focus on enhancing
their core operations to stay competitive.
Our illustrative technology portfolio includes:
- SAN and NAS servers
- Storage network switches
- Backup and recovery systems
- Storage Management software
- Storage Host components
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