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Our Services

Product Sustenance Services
Innovation holds the key to long-term sustenance. You need to constantly innovate to ensure newer steams of revenue. Symbyo' Product Sustenance Services help you achieve just that. Your engineers can focus on innovation while Symbyo engineers manage your non-core activities such as product release management, feature enhancement or resolving other production issues. This reduces the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and helps you leverage on our technical expertise that stems from our prior, similar product development experience and varied set of resources.

Symbyo brings you the following benefits:

Enhanced Product Innovation:
While Symbyo takes up the responsibilities of the sustenance, many of your key Engineers and management members are freed from mundane activities of Sustenance. These key engineers can now be utilized to work on disruptive innovations that would yield the long term revenue.

Reduced Cost of Ownership:
This is ensured as a large part of the engineering work is executed at offshore. Symbyo ability to deliver commitments on time, quality, cost further ensures the same.

Long term benefits:
The sustenance service serves as the stepping stone for enhancing the activities to areas of feature development, testing and product development. Thus it provides a low-risk, easy way to create a long term engineering team in various product lines. This ensures that experiential knowledge developed by working on the product stays with the customer and adds value back to the customer.

Enhanced Response Time:
Supplementing your support team with Symbyo engineers will enhance the response time.

Enhanced Product Quality:
Out-of-box thinking and a unique problem solving ability ensures a stable product line.

Flexibility & Derisking:
The above benefits are available at a proven low-risk, low management overhead with the flexibility to scale-up or scale-down the needs of capabilities, capacity and innovation. The Symbyo product sustenance service provides L-3 sustenance service of bug-fix, minor enhancements, maintenance testing and release management needs of any product. This service does not include L1 (call center) and L2 (TAC) are offered as additional services.

The products under this service range from mature product (several releases into the market) to "sunset" products that are at their end feature development. The offshore team would seamlessly integrate into your existing processes. The Symbyo sustenance responsibility is delivered around a comprehensive program management framework that includes definitions of roles & responsibilities, project scope, planning & tracking, processes, milestones, continuous improvement. Regular interaction and status exchange provide clear visibility on the performance of the offshore team.

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software outsourcing company - Offshore Software Development - software development outsourcing